Sunday, February 11, 2007


So last weekend I went to GNCTR in Winnipeg. I am a little tired to explain everything in depth, but here is a summary. (Please excuse the horrible use of the English language as I am so tired.)

1) Arrived in Winnipeg before anyone else on the team from Calgary. Set my stuff up and eventually met up with the rest of the team. Opening ceremonies happened and then drinking at the hotel.

2) Activity day was awesome. TEAM SIX!!!!! Our team was so awesome. Spongee and dodgeball all day long. Oliver from Hamboggan; Jessica and Leader from Smurfs; Alexin and Hero from ETS; guy from U of M, guy from U of T; Sylvie from C4 and Ryan and myself from Baywatch: Alberta. We were the most spirited team there by far. TEAM SIX TEAM SIX TEAM SIX.

3) Went to some restaurant bar at night. Had some steak wooo! Danced the night away. Favourite song of the night: Blow my Whistle Bitch with everyone on our team blowing our whistles like nobody's business. Left the bar w/ Alexin and had a great night drinking w/ random teams.

4) Tech Ex day was filled with cheering all day long. So many hoarse voices by the end of the day. The other teams's technical displays were pretty cool. Pimp-My-Boggan by Sherbrooke had the wickedest toboggan decked out in fur.

5) Went to a hall in the evening to drink/dance the night away. Go Total Eclipse of the Heart!! Went to the hotel to drink another night away.

6) RACE DAY. It was -46 degrees celsius with windchill. The thing that saved most of us were the free toe and finger warmers. The hill itself was so steep. A lot of teams rolled over. Some people had to go the hospital. On one team, there were four people that had to go to the hospital. One of them had broken their ankle and another had bank injuries. It was pretty worrisome. Our first run rolled over but we think it may have been because the steerer pulled the wrong lever. The second run was filled with drama as we discovered a crack in one of the welds. The end result was us finishing the race ok. Not the fastest run, but we made it and our team was estastic and had a great big group hug!!

7) Formal dinner and awards ceremony in the evening. Good food. We won the spirit award!!! We just received the final results in an email and we also got second place on the technical report which I co-authored, so YAY for me! haha. It was our last night in the Peg so everyone was all out w/ the drinking at the hotel. I found Alexin and hung out w/ him for awhile and ended the night in Clayton's room just talking about the most random stuff. Good times. I had to sleep on the floor in my own room b/c somehow there were already five people in my room, one on the floor.

8) Next morning, everyone was hoarse and pretty much dead tired. Some were still drunk or still drinking. We went to the airport and off we went back to school/work.

I am now at my place in Calgary. I am still recovering from the trip. I don't have my voice back yet and my throat is still itchy as hell. Apparently half our team is suffering from bronchitis. I could possibly have that but I am riding it out. Every morning I hack and hack until I get some fluid down my throat but the pain was so worth it. Most fun I've had in a long long LONG time.

Other updates:

The Fluor student group is really awesome. We've been doing random stuff together outside of work. We did a corporate challenge event last week: the Human Bonspiel, which consisted of us throwing ourselves down the ice on an innertube to get close to the 'button.' We went to the casino the other night and all you can eat sushi. Four of us ate 200 pieces of sushi combined. It was pretty gross haha. At the casino I won $46 off the slot machines. That was fun haha. We're going bowling tomorrow and to a Flames (booo) game on Tuesday.

Work however is another story. It's really boring cause I have no work to do but I hope I have stuff to do soon.... guh.

Posted by norwegian girl at 9:58 p.m.