Sunday, January 21, 2007

what a VANTASTIC weekend

Sorry Van but I'm about to describe the most fantastic weekend ever. Unfortunately, you ditched Doris and I for Edmonton so you missed out, so this summary is for you.

1) THURSDAY -- Van left after work to go to Edmonton. Doris and I went to the YMCA for the second day in the row. After going to the YMCA we went to the Keg to gorge ourselves on delicious steak. Then, after having the best dinner of our lives, we went to Muse for dessert. Our totally hot waiter however, managed to get us free deserts if we bought drinks. Of course, being totally susceptible to our charms, the waiter bought our drinks for us. SCORE!

2) FRIDAY -- I had the day off because it was my flex day. So firstly, I went to Crave to get some cupcakes for my roommate. It was her birthday and everyone loves cupcakes. Then I went downtown to another YMCA to meet Doris up for more working out. We were headed home to meet up with Cara, our friend coming down from Edmonton for the weekend. We made the most delicious chicken drumstick, potato and onion baked dish for dinner and then DDR'ed the night away. This was after we ate cupcake after cupcake of course. Princess cupcakes from Crave are to die for. One notable event of the night was when we were eating our cupcakes with Krista and her boyfriend. Out of nowhere, a glass bottle of RED wine from the top of our fridge decides to kamikaze onto our kitchen floor. It somehow made it past the box of granola bars that was sitting in front of it, and also misses hitting the stove, which is right next to the fridge. It travelled at least three feet to its final destination where it crashed and stained everything in sight, including our white cabinet doors. After attempting to clean the mess, we discover that some of the cabinets are only covered in primer as the white begins to rub away as we clean to expose the wood beneath. We are still in wonder as to exactly how the wine could have thrown itself off the fridge.

3) SATURDAY -- Doris and I headed to another YMCA. We met some cuties at the gym so we invited them to come with us grocery shopping for our hockey game party. Of course, they ended up paying for our snacks. Back at home, we watched our disappointing hockey game (damn you flamers) but had good company at least. We had the best nachos ever and some booze to boot. DDR finished the night off.

4) SUNDAY -- Doris, Cara and I woke up at 8 am to watch Moulin Rouge because Cara had never seen it. After that we went to have brunch at Nellies. Let me tell you, blueberry pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, ham, sausage, bacon strips, muffins, hash browns and fruit make up the most delicous breakfast I've had in quite some time. SOOO GOOOOOD. Cara had to begin her trip back home, so after saying our goodbyes, Doris and I walked along Kensington where we bought quite a few used books. Then we went home, and here I am now.

I have to find a new bus route to ride tomorrow to my new work building...

If you're NOT Van, highlight below.

I may have exagerrated or made up some of the above events.. but mostly in efforts to make Van jealous. I'm sure you've figured out that the only parts I made up are the ones involving males... because we all know Doris and I are smart enough not to waste our time with stupid boys... :P

Posted by norwegian girl at 4:09 p.m.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

the facebook epidemic

Ok people. You may approach. It's Facebook-flu season and I am virus free.

My ex-ally Doris has unfortunately been bitten by the creeping-bug and I have lost her to the dark side.

Jokes aside, I do believe there are good points to Facebook. For those that make the effort to spend time with their friends, Facebook is a place to share photos and random comments with each other in remembrance of time spent together.

But for some people, it's a way to hold onto some vestige of a relationship with people you don't have enough time and effort with which to get together. I think the biggest problem with facebook lies in the "friends" list.

I don't consider people you don't talk to on a regular basis "friends"; however, to others, Facebook is an opportunity to show off how technological up-to-date you are and how many "friends" you have when in truth, you are too lazy of a person to actually use a telephone to arrange a meet up with these so called "friends." You probably don't even like everyone on your "friends" list but you like the fact that you can create this facade to the public that you are a popular person, when in fact, you are most likely socially inept and not that great of a friend. Don't depend on an online site to keep all your so-called friendships intact. A friendship that survives because of an internet site is shit.

Also, don't complain when other people add you to their friends list when you do the exact same thing to other people. It's not like you're any better than they are.

One more thing, please stop telling me how fantastic Facebook is. I don't want to go online to see how big your friends list is or how fantastic people's wall scribblings are. I don't mind looking at pictures though.

The above reasons do not explain why I don't use Facebook though. I would probably end up adding people I haven't talked to in ages in an attempt to look well connected just like everyone else. The real reason why I don't use Facebook is that I should not sign up for another online community where I will waste hours and hours on the internet when I already spend too much time on my over-worked Dellbert. I should spend that time doing something more productive, like reading, or going to the YMCA. Yes, physical exercise. Remember kids, it's good for you! Go with a friend!

Posted by norwegian girl at 10:56 p.m.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

i want things

Sigh... the Oil lost tonight. Next week: retribution. Hockey party at our place!!!

I number my thoughts in a lot of my blog entries and this will not be an exception:

1) I have worked one whole week now in Calgary. So far, I'm bored out of my mind reading manuals, specs and project descriptions. I need actual work. I don't care if I have no idea how to do the calcs, I want work SO BAD. At least almost all of the other students are having the same issue with an excess of boredeom. The other coop students are really nice and I like the student atmosphere. I've never had enough students to actually hang out together. Another good thing about my job is that I get every second Friday off so WOOOOOT for that.

2) Living at our house in Calgary has been pretty darn awesome so far. Go roomies!!

3) I'm poor. I have been spending way too much money recently and I need to stop. But first, tomorrow I'm heading to the mall to order my new shoes. I've been eyeing them for so long and they're on sale so I'm just going to buy them.

4) DDR is kinda addictive. Especially Ducking Hardcore Mixes of It's A Small World.

5) Recently I've noticed a jump in my desire to have things. This is bad especially since I have no money to spend. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm away from home so I have more liberty to spend my money the way I wish without my mom breathing down my back all the time.

6) I <3 Muse.

7) I hemmed almost all my pants today!!!! I'm so proud of myself. I still haven't cleaned my room in Calgary... I actually can't see half the floor.

8) I miss Edmonton and knowing where everything is... Calgary is becoming more familiar to me though so this is a good sign.

9) I <3 (natural) red hair.

10) A note about our house. It's pretty sweet I must say for students; however, the sound travels through the walls like water through a sieve. It's pretty strange. We have held conversations across the house while being separated by no less than four walls. Sleeping in is quite difficult when everyone else is leaving the house for work; I have determined that from first hand experience.

Listening to: Uno by Muse

Posted by norwegian girl at 11:17 p.m.