Monday, December 25, 2006

packing up

So here I am blogging when what I should really be doing it cleaning my room and packing for the journey to Calgary in a couple of days.

But firstly, and before I forget, Merry Christmas all!!

Tomorrow is Boxing Day. The Ng sisters are planning on waking up at 6 am and leaving the house to visit Michael's. We're hoping to pick up some nice boxes and some cool craft things at approximately 7 am. We will already be too late for Best Buy and Future shop if we want to avoid crazy line-ups so instead....

...we have two hours to make it to Holt Renfrew for their door opening. Denise will have been dropped off at home already to go back to sleep while Ada and I fight tooth and nail for some shoes. MMmmmm shoes. But of course we will peruse the other areas of the store before departing.

I love shopping too much. I need toooo many things. I bought some nice work clothes though so far. I have to get ALL my pants hemmed.

The rest of Boxing Day will be spent packing and buying (last minute) things for my Calgary stay. I need boxes...

The 27th will consist of the U-Haul truck going around and picking up all our stuff for storage for the night in preparation of our early departure on the 28th.

Bong will be accompanying us on the 28th. It'll be fun I'm sure. Especially since Sam is coming over today to drop off his ps1 and DDR stuff so I can bring it to Calgary.. teehee.. weeeeeeee... if you're doubting the amount of fun we'll have with this, realize that Sam is also lending us his Disney DDR cd. Be jealous.

Posted by norwegian girl at 12:24 p.m.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

it's been awhile

I realize that I have not blogged in quite some time. I'm not completely sure why I stopped for so long. It's not like I was so busy because I had thousands of assignments and lab write ups to complete.. b/c that never stopped me before from procastinating. I am back though. Here are some updates for those with which I have failed to stay in touch. My apologies oh friendlies!

1) I am going for eight months to Calgary for a work term to work with a structural company. I'm pretty psyched. This job sounds great and this company is well established. Also, I'm living with my friends so we're gonna have so much FUN!!!! I'm so excited... away from home finally!

2) No more boy issues for now. Summary: some boys don't have balls, and I don't have patience to deal w/ that. I deserve the best and wishy washy guys just aren't what I need.

3) I'm in the middle of exams right now. I have written three and I have three remaining. I have an exam tomorrow at 9 am actually so I should actually be memorizing standards for my fluids exam, but I'm not.

4) School has been intense this semester. Never have I been so tired of school and studying and doing assignments. Never have I skipped so many classes because I couldn't force myself to get out of my bed b/c I'm so sleep deprived. Sleeep... I miss you.

5) My down blanket.. is so awesome. He's always there for me, waiting for me in my bed. He keeps me warm when I'm cold. He never talks back to me. He smells nice. Thus the nickname, my bf.

6) I'm eating cantaloupe flavoured gum right now. It's kinda odd. It has this ingredient called Xylitol. Not sure what that is...


8) I am going to finally get myself a set of headphones. I've been looking at a bunch of products for months now. I haven't decided which ones I'm going to buy, but I have it narrowed down. I will also probably get myself a new mp3 player. Mmmm Sony...

9) Filler point.. b/c I thought I should have ten points...

10) So I want a Wii.. should I get one?!?

Good luck fellow Uni students on your finals and have a great holiday break!!!!!

Posted by norwegian girl at 11:01 p.m.