Thursday, July 27, 2006

ok, so Denise didn't lose my CD

I found my Lucia Micarelli CD. It was in my CD player. *blush*

Nothing calms me down like closing my eyes and blasting Nocturne/Bohemian Rhapsody being played on violin by Micarelli...

Nothing calms me down like a big cup of chrysanthemum tea while doing the New York Times crossword puzzle...

Nothing calms me down like imagining your head in my hands... and then me imagining me crushing your head into a pulp... (no, not you specifically)

Nothing calms me down like walking in the rain with my head to the sky, oblivious to the fact that I look like I'm mentally challenged for standing outside getting drenched...

Nothing calms me down like a good game of Chinese checkers with a kiwi red tea with lychee pieces in hand...

Yes... I am calm.

Posted by norwegian girl at 10:57 p.m.

Friday, July 21, 2006

uh... you didn't have to eat that many...


Albert, Ellis, Bong, a couple others and myself went to Shakespeare in the Park to see Taming of the Shrew. Days of Ms. Tuba came rushing back to me. *shudder* It was really funny. Good snacks too! $1 Dixie Cups.. mmm vanilla ice cream.

Afterwards we went to Albert's fav restaurant, Tai Pan. Upon entering, our noses were assaulted w/ an offensive odour... the bathroom smell. We were like.. great. We ordered our food. I asked for a mixed fruit cooler. The waitress was like.. "huh?" I repeated what I said and she nodded her head. Then Bong ordered a mixed fruit cooler. "Mixed seafood cooler?" the waitress inquired. We were like uh.. We pulled out the drink menu and pointed at 'Mixed Fruit Cooler'. She nodded her head and jotted stuff down. Of course b/c Bong and I were together that day, she didn't bring two mixed fruit coolers, but only one and a red bean cooler. I blame the combo of Bong and I being at the same place at the same time..

After that Bong and I headed to my place where we watched some Apocalyptica vids and then we started talking. It was a really long conversation and it was nice. Definitely a different topic of conversation than we normally touch on. Remember Bong, I just can't do it... :P


Bong's heading off to foreign lands this weekend, so we thought we'd meet up for wings this Wednesday. It was going to be a larger gathering, but no one else could make it.

We arrive, order 60 wings just like last time. A lot to blog about but I'll try to make it short.

Bong and I eat wings in completely different ways. I use the rare one-handed technique. (The left hand remains clean for emergency purposes.) After the bones are COMPLETELY clean I stack them nicely on the edge of my plate. If I'm bored, I make a little castle, but it's usually a simple and neat stack.

Bong uses the two-handed-tearing-off-bits-of-chicken technique. Cleaning bones just takes too long for Bong so she ravages the majority of the chicken wing and viciously throws the bones down. I'm afraid of her when she eats. *See MSN pics.

If you know Bong, you know and love her laugh. Last time I heard it was when she was at my house and she asked me to pretend something which was so freaking impossible it was ridiculous. Let's just say that something happened involving the table behind us, the waitress and Bong and I hearing every single word uttered in a specific conversation had by the former two groups of aforesaid list. I can't explain it nor do the occasion justice w/ a description, but we laughed. And laughed and continued to laugh while trying to eat more wings. The laughter became so severe Bong began to have troubles breathing and my stomach became tense. We had to stop to finish the wings which we didn't want to waste. We couldn't finish them. I'm gonna tell you right now, that you ARE ALLOWED to pack wings away when you go to Globe. Long story short: We didn't know, we stuffed ourselves silly. We laughed ourselves silly. We laughed even harder when the waitress brought us a huge box for 8 little chicken wings. We laughed on our way out. We laughed on the way to the LRT station. We laughed on the platform. We laughed on the platform even when Bong tried to distance herself from me. She laughed when she realized she looked like a crazy person laughing to herself. We laughed together when we saw the guy on the platform laughing b/c we were laughing. We laughed on the LRT until Bong got off. We laughed some more. That's the end of the night. It was a good night.


That pretty much sums it up. I'll miss ya when you go to China that's for sure. Good luck and be safe! Eat lots of lychee! Thanks. :) *snort snort*


Grand Prix for FREE. What a great way to end the week. It was so boiling hot outside. Fun times though. I'm glad Tanis was there too. We had a load of fun. Especially going for the hot lap w/ the pace car driver. Fun times slamming into the insides of the car doors.

Posted by norwegian girl at 11:03 p.m.

Monday, July 10, 2006

notes, maybe there's one here for you!

To: U of A Van Vliet Centre
Re: Squash/Racquetball court renovations

Thanks for delaying the opening of the squash courts for a week. Twice. Grrrr.


To: Owner of house next door
Re: Kicking out your last tenants

I'm sorry that your last tenants damaged the property (punching holes in the drywall in the basement, driving a truck into the corner of the house, breaking the window screens, breaking the windows) and were inconsiderate and tacky people (parking on our side of the driveway, parking multiple shopping carts on their front yard, having the scariest dog alive unchained just in time for our trip home from school/work, stealing our swing set from behind our garage, constantly lighting things on fire). Our family is now ecstatic with the news that you are fixing up the place and are going to sell the place to some respectable people. Good luck.


To: The Wreckers
Re: Your CD, 'Stand Still, Look Pretty'

Good Cd.


To: J.Bo/Jambon
Re: Coffee

I'm not fooled by the rocks that you got. You're still (you're still) J.Bo from the block. (I didn't use the name _ _ _ _ _.. I remember how you dislike it so.) This note was code for: let's go out for coffee in the NEAR future and work out in the NEAR future. Yes. Now all we need to do is DECIDE.. oh darn.. we're never gonna meet up are we...


To: Fellow thespian fans
Re: Shakespeare in the Park

Let us gather for a theatrical jolly feast for our eyes and ears at yonder Hawrelak Park the Saturday coming! Thee thou.. whatever... just come. 2pm matinee show this Saturday or next Saturday. $13 for students (I believe we count as students.) Let me know if you're interested.


To: Anyone
Re: Me (not) writing my co-op paper

If I'm online and you have a hunch that I'm not working on this piece of literary crap, I give you permission to hit me the next time you see me in person (not in the face because that's where the money's at) UNLESS.. you are stronger than I am, cause that's just not cool. So I guess everyone can hit me... except Ellis.. OH, WHAT NOW?!?!

Posted by norwegian girl at 11:34 p.m.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i love hippos

YES! I went to Calgary this past weekend and I saw hippos! *See MSN space pictures.*

Full story:

Friday after work, Denise, mom and I were on our way to Calgary to visit sister Ada. (Mom wasn't going to go originally and then she thought we wouldn't make it there alive. Thanks for the faith in your 20 year old soon-to-be-Engineer and 23 year old soon-to-be-doctor daughters.)

We arrive to a barrage of blood thirsty mosquitos trying to ram their heads hard enough into Nimby's windows to break the glass to get at our sweet red blood cells. Crazy little critters...

Saturday morning we head to the zoo! It's boiling hot outside and what do we do as the intelligent asians that we are? We bring umbrellas and do it up HK style. Yes, movable sources of shade! We wander through the zoo and we get some strange glances at first and then what happens? It starts to rain! Now who wishes they had one of our three umbrellas?

We saw animals galore! Notables:
1) The creepy diminutive monkey like animals that reminded me of gremlins.
2) We watched the giraffes ruminate. They chewed their food, they swallowed, and then we watched the food travel down their long long necks. Then, we watched in awe as the bolus of food moved right back up to the head. Sick.
3) We saw the HIPPOS get a drink of water and EAT. Oh so cute they were. Aww... I want a baby hippo...
4) We had the creamiest soft serve ice cream ever.. tasted like butter. I had the root beer flavour burst but it wasn't root beery enough.

After the zoo we went to eat at some Chinese place and then we headed to the Calgary tower for FREE. The zoo tickets were at a discount b/c of Ada's affiliations and the trip to the top was also free c/o EnCana.

We walked around and took random pics and we decided to stay until the fireworks started. That's like two hours just staking our claim on a prize spot to see the fireworks shooting from the Stampede grounds. There was pushing involved but we Ng-sters held our own.

I forgot my tripod. :( It was nice though and then we went home and slept.

Sunday we went to Costco and then to market mall for a bit. Left empty handed and we were off to Edmonton!

Work is same old. Still learning shockingly enough. I've been offered a job, but I'm not sure if I want to take it.

I'm so out of shape it's ridiculous... must start doing some mad cardio.

Might move out next semester for school. It'll cut down on commute time for sure. I'm currently searching for a place near the U.. if you know of someone (not creepy), drop me a line. Much thanks...

Posted by norwegian girl at 10:52 p.m.