Sunday, January 08, 2006

Christmas break breakdown

In no particular order:

1) I went to Jia's, Jen's, and Van's three way birthday extravaganza. I met lots of people (yes I was actually what people call "social") and played the numbers game for WAYYY too long (Ellis brought new purpose to the position of the broken radio to this game). I brought my Lime Meltaways... oh so goooood.

2) Christmas morning consisted of everyone in the fam opening presents and feigning surprise at tearing off the wrapping paper even though everyone knew what everyone was getting (except for Dad b/c it seems like he never knows what's going on). I took millions of pictures. Fun silly pictures of course and if I ever have my laptop with me ask me about them if you want to see them. Hours of silly laughter will certainly ensue.

3) I made chocolate gingerbread cookies AND the chocolate part of Whoopie Pies. I caught the baking bug and was running with it. I also made some banana muffins one day for fun. It was extra fun b/c I could use the KitchenAid stand mixer we bought for mum. :P

I also made a potato galette and my oh my was that yummmmy.

4) Was in a car accident. The driver of the other car ran the red light and hit our left turning car. She was not wearing a seat belt unfortunately and was unconscious after the accident. She was driven to the hospital in an ambulance I believe. The incident was strange to me. It was if I wasn't in an accident and it was a weird little dream sequence I was in. I was looking out the right window and then I heard the front passenger say something so I looked up and then the cars collided. I opened my eyes and I saw that the front two air bags had opened and gases were filling the air. I moved about and somehow knew I was okay before really thinking about anything and then checked to see about the other two people in the car.. my friends. Fortunately, they were not hurt too much and we could get out of the car to examine the scene. Again, this all felt weird to me as if it didn't really happen.

All I have to say about this is that seat belts are an amazing invention and that you really can't predict what's going to happen to you or your friends so, as cliche as this sounds, live your life to its fullest and do what you gotta do before it's too late.

5) Went to Doris' bonfire thingy late due to aforementioned car accident but managed to play some mafia and Cranium. I had the BEST team ever consisting of:

Howie - Engineering genius and very neat printer
Cara - Musical aficionado with a very keen memory
Bong - Cellomaster (knows ALL music) and VERY good guesser

Our team name you ask? I dubbed ourselves "Smoke the Engineering Bong."

Due to crazy rolling of the die skills, we gained an early lead and dominated the entire game even after me leaving the team. Fantastic job guys.

6) Went to play volleyball twice. Once with Steph and Ben's friends. Once with Jim's team and our team. Less than half of our volleyball team for this semester was there unfortunately. Howie, who will be slaving away in Fort Mac, was present as was a crippled Wing. The time with Jim's team I setted worth monkey shit but I hit pretty well as well as served pretty darn good. :P But yes, must work on that crappy setting.

7) I cleaned my room. Sounds lame but it took so long. I removed everything from under my bed and organized and labelled boxes for easy finding. I threw away everything from priceless stuff like my TMNT trading cards, to old Kinder Surprise toys and girly notes from Jr High.

Another big part of this task was the clothes. Going through every article of clothing in my room made me realize that I have a lot of stuff that cannot be worn in public. For example, cutesy wutesy t-shirts. I also have a limited amount of storage space for clothing items including over sized shirts. I had to pick and choose which ones were destined to be removed from my wardrobe. That's when it struck me. I should alter some of these items to be "hip" with the modern world so that I don't have to throw them out. More on this in point 8.

8) Made some 2006 resolutions. They mostly involve learning how to work out (as lame as that sounds, I have no idea how to do anything in any kind of gym), trying to build a more mature wardrobe for work, letting my hair down once in awhile (literally), concentrating more on school when actually IN class, and just getting better at everything I am doing now. That last one includes squash.

The last point also makes reference to baking, cooking, and sewing (yea sounds really domestic, eh?). So baking and cooking I've already talked about. So...

So this break has allowed me to gain the vision to transform some of my older styled stuff that I would never wear now into something more modern and wearable in public. I've already envisioned two transformations for two individual items and can't wait to chop em up see what kind of Frankenstein-esque items I can create.

9) Bong has told me that she has a trumpet in her house that has my name on it. Okay so maybe it actually has OSA's name on it but oh well, what they don't know won't hurt them. It's actually Bong's sister's trumpet now but I will ask to borrow it to learn it for fun. I've always been fascinated with brass instruments. This will most likely be covered in other posts to come.

10) So school starts on Monday. I was REALLY excited to get back to school. Now I'm not as excited as I just realized that I will pretty much know NO ONE in my classes. I guess that will help me concentrate in class more... Yay?

P.S. Yes, I said I was gonna change the layout.. yes, I said I was gonna make it fancy and stuff.. and yes, I didn't do that. That's partially because I've been trying to fix up my laptop. So when that is fixed, I promise that I'll get right on fixing this black depressing site up!


Posted by norwegian girl at 1:10 a.m.