Saturday, December 03, 2005

'no really, i'll be ok' & 'scavenger hunt'

So I talked to him and a strange conversation occured. I told him it wouldn't work and he said that I really didn't give him a good chance. I had thought about that before but I realized that I really couldn't get over his mannerisms. It was the right thing to do.

I asked him if he was alright as he looked really sad/disappointed. He said he'd be okay but he thought that I would take it harder. A bit surprised at what he said, I said, "no offense, but I don't think this will affect me that much." He didn't get the hint and he says, "judging from your character I think this will hit you harder."

All I have to say is he obviously didn't read me right. That was just weird.

On a happier note I went to participate in Jen's church fun event: scavenger hunt! We went to Kingsway Mall to find our treasures and their respective prices.

Jen's church was really prepared haha... It was really cool though, making us guess the store names, then the object, then the price/barcode if price was not to be found. I was teamed up with Bong and Yvonne.

We ran frantically to stores making up fake stories as to not attract attention. Unfortunately, some of the sales people figured out what we were doing and simply gave us the answers. I guess it wasn't that hard to figure out as people were overhead asking salespeople for help:

Boy: "Do you guys have anything called Mary Janes?"
Sales lady: "uhhh.. shoes."
Boy: "Yea! Those are what we're looking for... Uh.. can we see them? And how much are they?" *proceeds to run out the store w/ paper in his hands"

Fun times. Interesting incidents my team had to go through:

The Dollar Plus Store: Crazy mopping guy grabbed Yvonne's sheet out of her hands to our shock. Yvonne calmly took the sheet back and asked, ".. Can I help you?"

EB Games: "Can I help you?" "Uh... just looking.. uh.. JEN'S A BIG GAMER." Yvonne and I proceed to look around as Jen has the sales guy occupied. No luck. Finally, Jen asks the sales guy how much random systems are until we get what we were looking for. Good job Jen!

Jacob: "Okay we're looking for a puffy jacket that makes you look like a burnt marshmallow." All three of us are like "THERE!!" and we look around to see all of us pointing at different jackets that all could be what the clue is talking about. Eventually we decided on one... unfortunately.. it was the wrong one.

You Name It: Strange sales lady who I thought was really mad at us when we dropped her bibs.. but she was kidding around. And then she was like "you guys need bibs???!?!" I just wanted to get out of there...

Brians: "Look for a hideous brown furry thing that used to be a poor defenseless animal.." Well that wasn't the exact clue but that definitely would have pointed us in the right direction. SOOO easy to spot. Didn't even have to spend two seconds looking for it. Definitely one of the worst looking items on our list.

Leather Ranch: Item: leather jacket with a furry checkerboard pattern... puke. I didn't get to see it unfortunately as a salesperson trapped me in the men's section telling me intimate details of his life and would not let me leave until I got the style numbers for some male jackets. After Yvonne and Bong got the necessary details for the furry jacket, Bong came up to me and salesguy to tell me that her dad was waiting for us and we had to go. Salesguy says, WAIT one second I give you style numbers. So I'm like ahhh.. so he gets me a brochure and starts to write prices and style numbers down and then Yvonne comes back w/ Bong and says "our brother is waiting for us..." and Bong realizes the possible problem simply adds on "and out dad... dad and brother are both waiting".. finally guy lets me go but not before writing his name down on the brochure. Tom. Tom... I hope I don't go back to the Leather Ranch again. haha

But yes fun to be had by all. Unforunately one of the places on the list kicked one team out b/c they said and declared "we don't do scavenger hunts." Even though on the clue sheet to look at the entrance... still.. :(

After that we went to Bong's church and compared answers and ate ice cream. Yvonne, Bong and I tied with 35 points with another group. The other two groups were also very close with 34 and 31 points.

After ice cream my dad was coming to get me at the church but they had to lock the church up so Jen and Krystle hung w/ me at Tim Hortons for a short time before my dad came.

Posted by norwegian girl at 3:47 p.m.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

if i build it, they will come

Okay so first, an update on my life in verse that i'd like to call 'the most interesting two weeks ever in Vicki's life':

i am competing when something catches my eye
it's a boy and his friend trying to say hi

he hits a birdie to the other side of the net
i look again and nope, it's a boy i've never met

outside the court he approached me
i was a bit scared and wanted to flee

give me the birdie and says, "it's for you"
i read the note and think "what should I do?!?!"

i knew the boy's friend from the infamous EO
i decide to omsg chickenpoodle when work was slow

he hooks me up w/ the boy's EO domain
and then i say, "hey, what's your name?"

i walk around and see him the next night
he's w/ his friends i ran off w/ bong in a fright

i go back to see him wanting to go to HUB
i tell him i have to nuke my dinner in SUB

he comes w/ me, EDO he picks
and out he brings three pairs of chopsticks

on MSN we chat, usually at night
i give him my number and "thanks" he writes

his name is james, he hits the shuttlecock
he always called me up so we could talk

he called me (alone) to ask me to play ball
i was at wings, not close to the school at all

the day after i went to play in an event
we met up before.. what a persistent gent

i was gonna end it, right then and there
i couldn't do it, it didn't seem fair

i played my game, i lost - too bad
he called me after to see if dinner was to be had

"i should end it now," i thought in my head
"james, i don't think this will work" i said

he asked me to explain cause he wondered why
i told him it was hard to explain on the fly

i said it was the way he talked to me
all soft and ridiculously mushy

he said, thanks for telling me, i didn't know
.. clareview right? let's go to east side marios

i hesitated and said i had to go soon,
he said "my van is at stadium, parked under the moon"

i didn't know what to do, or how it came to these ends
on the LRT ride he said we could be friends

i said yes, that would be fine
he said come on, let's dine

i suggested BPs instead, and of course he said sure
i need something to fix this situation.. a cure

we ate and we talked and then came the bill
he said he'd pay, which was against my will

i forced my money on him, telling him no way
he wanted to be 'that' kind of friend, that was not okay

i said no and was adamant about it
he finally said fine and hesitantly relented

he drove me to my house where i thanked him
...i knew inside he would do anything for my any whim

i know now what must be done
this must end, but i must say it was fun

i shall be strong the next time i see james
no more of this, no more of these games

thus ends the story of my crazy two weeks
why a poem? cause if i was plural, i'd be geeks

Yes.. the next time I see him, i will tell him that it just can't happen. He talks all soft and he makes these weird faces when he talks.. not good. The ability to understand sarcasm is also a little lost on him.

The title of my blog has to do w/ something else. I am going to change this webpage. That is right.. some colours may change.. if i have enough time the layout will change as well.

I must also change the depressing subtitle haha... and maybe add a picture or two of me.. something more happy less saddy

I hope you enjoyed my poem.. i composed it surprisingly fast. I suppose it's probably not that big of a surprise.. it is pretty crappy haha.

Posted by norwegian girl at 12:18 p.m.